Exciting! A turtle walked into the house in the middle of the night. Found on the shell resembling a Buddha image. The underbelly has the shape of a Bodhi leaf.

Exciting! Villagers flock to check the lucky number 1/11/66 after a large 9 kg turtle walks into their house in the middle of the night. Found on the shell similar to the image of Phra Somdej. Under the belly is a golden Bodhi leaf shape.

House number 47, Village No. 16, Ban Mai Samakkhi Mr. Thanom’s house There were villagers gathered around to see the big turtle. The turtle’s shell is dark black. And it looks like the shell has been clearly carved into the shape of a Phra Somdej. And when turned over, the turtle’s underbelly will have a shape similar to a yellow Bodhi leaf. Some villagers also saw the lucky number as number 167 and believed that this turtle might bring good luck to the homeowner. and villagers in the village So they flocked together to see and took the lucky numbers to gamble according to their beliefs.

Mr. Thanom, the owner of the house, said that this turtle walked into the house. So it was thought that it might have been a pet turtle that had escaped. It should bring good fortune. So I decided to take good care of it. Give water to vegetables to eat and clean. Upon inspection, it was found that the turtle’s shell was completely black and had a Phra Somdej pattern. which he is not sure about Are the colors and patterns natural or are they the work of someone else? However, He will raise this turtle. because he had approached the house As for the different numbers that the villagers saw Anyone can use it to gamble, depending on personal beliefs.