Lottery fans shouldn’t miss it! Khamchanod calendar lottery, draw 1 July 2024

Khamchanot calenda

Giving away the full Khamchanot calendar lottery, last 2 digits, this draw 1/7/67, try your luck on lottery check day.

Khamchanot calendar lottery Lucky numbers for this draw 1 July 2024

Here again, Kham Chanod lottery, lucky numbers for this draw, 1 July 2024, revealing lucky numbers for lottery fans to follow and try their luck again. In this installment, there are several selected calendar cover numbers to choose from. Both the prominent numbers and the last numbers that are worth following to gamble on.

For the Khamchanod calendar lottery, this draw, 1 July 2024, these are 40, 45, 49, 41, 01, 05 and 09, with each number having a meaning. and beliefs that are different In which lottery fans can choose the numbers that suit their needs. Buy lottery tickets to have a chance to win money on the day of the lottery draw this time, 1/7/67.

Lottery fans flock to see the dragon tongue tree blooming after the last draw, lucky numbers to bring luck to the homeowner.

Dragon Tongue Tree

All lottery fans flock to watch. The “Dragon Tongue Tree” bloomed after the last installment. “House number” gives luck to the home owner of winning the lottery. Ready to not be afraid of “lucky numbers” this period 1/7/67

On June 20, 2024, a merchant who received good fortune from a strange tree that resembled The “Dragon Tongue Tree” that blooms in 2 flowers makes it a winner all over. So he traveled to check at house number 42/12, Pruksa See Village, Khlong Sam Subdistrict, Tlong Luang District, Pathum Thani Province, which was a grocery store. Merchants in the area continually stop by to look at the trees planted in front of their stores. which some people have interpreted as various lucky numbers

Meanwhile, Mr. Wirot Plaksawat, owner of Wiroj Rung Rueang Khanakha Shop, said that he did not know what kind of tree this was. which was recently planted in front of the store After less than a month had passed, I went to water the plants as usual every day. It appeared that one such tree had bloomed, so it was assumed that it might have good luck. So I took my house number, number 42, to buy lottery tickets and it turned out that I won 2 lottery tickets in the previous draw. The neighboring merchants also bought their own house numbers. And it went one after the other.

Moreover, today I came to water the plants as usual. It appeared that the said tree had one more flower blooming, bringing the total to 2 flowers, so it was expected that it would definitely bring good luck again. So I went to buy a lottery ticket, the number at the end of the house was 12, and it was already prepared. If you get lucky again, it will definitely come from this tree. And if it were true, I would definitely keep this tree in the house. for fear that people would come and steal it

Pao Tang lottery, this draw 16/6/67, 1st prize, 24 tickets, 144 million.

Pao Tang

Digital lottery, draw 16 June 2024. This draw, first prize, 24 tickets, 144 million baht, found a new millionaire receiving 42 million alone.

After the Government Lottery Office The Government Lottery results were released on June 16, 2024. The first prize is 518504, the first 3 digits are 428-016, the last 3 digits are 447-426, and the last 2 digits are 31.

Krungthai Care Facebook reports that Krungthai Care digital lottery draw 16 June 2024, 1st prize lottery number: 518504.

There were 24 first prize winners totaling 144 million baht.

1 ticket for 8 people
2 tickets for 1 person
3 tickets for 1 person
4 tickets for 1 person
7 tickets for 1 person

Today’s lottery results, check out the lucky numbers for this draw” 16/6/67 from Jay Fong Beer

Jay Fong Beer

Lottery fans follow the “lucky numbers for this draw” 16/6/67 from “Jay Fong Beer”. They won’t be disappointed. They get “beautiful numbers” as a way to gamble.

June 16, 2024 Today is the government lottery draw day or “Lottery” for the draw on June 16, 2024. In the past There are often many gamblers who get their hopes fulfilled. There are a lot of “Lucky Number Guides” from “Jay Fong Beer”.

Recently, “Jay Fong Beer” has announced guidelines for giving. “Lucky numbers for this draw” 16/6/67 have arrived: 81, 85, 89, 80, 308, 938, 618

Maharani skills table Ajarn Aura has been kind enough to release the installment on June 16th.

Ajarn Aura

Here are the lucky numbers: Acharn Aura releases a guide to getting rich in the lottery for the 16th of June. Thaksa Maharani table, don’t miss it.

June 14th is getting closer every moment. For the Government Lottery draw, 16 June, famous lottery gurus Starting to gradually release lucky numbers to fans. Recently, Acharn Aura Maharani has released a wealth guide for lottery fans. which is a table of Maharani skills Let’s see what lucky numbers there are.

Maharani Thaksa Schedule, period 16 June 2024

Ajarn Aura

Hot, lottery envelope hits the bookmaker, this draw is 16 June 2024.

lottery envelope

The lottery envelope has hit the dealer. Lucky numbers for this draw, 16 June 2024, that lottery fans can’t miss. This lottery check day Which numbers will hit the target? We have to come and see.

Lucky numbers, lottery envelopes attack the dealer, this period 16/06/67

Here are the lucky numbers for this draw, 16 June 2024, that lottery fans shouldn’t miss. with hot lucky numbers Lottery envelope hits the dealer This time, both the top and bottom numbers have been released for everyone to have a clear chance at. Anyone who doesn’t have lucky numbers yet to try their luck, you need to hurry. Get ready to buy lucky numbers and try your luck.

Lucky numbers for this period Lottery envelopes attack the bookmaker, draw date 16 June 2024

Put on is 6
The 3 lucky numbers are 061.
The 2 lucky numbers are 61, 68.

Put down is 2
The 2 lucky numbers are 21, 28.

Khamchanot calendar lottery Lucky numbers for this draw 16/6/67

Khamchanod Calendar

Full Khamchanod Calendar Lottery gives luck to make you rich. Last 2 digits, 3 digits. Don’t miss this lucky number for this draw 16/6/67 and wait to be lucky on the day of the lottery check.

Khamchanot calendar lottery Lucky numbers for this draw 1 June 2024

Let’s continue with the lucky numbers for this draw, 16 June 2024, today we will come to please the Naga people. Therefore, I would like to present the lucky numbers. Khamchanot calendar This time there are many numbers to choose from. Whether it’s the calendar cover number, the prominent number, and the last number worth following. Let’s see. What interesting numbers are there this time? Let’s see.

For lucky numbers Lottery numbers like the Khamchanot calendar, beyond the last 2 digits and the last 3 digits are 38, 39, 30, 31, 18, 19, 10, 613, 693.

Congregants are excited to see the “lucky numbers” from the worship ceremony at a famous temple. Look forward to the draw on 16/6/67.

Take it to gamble.

Congregants are excited, flocking to look at “lucky numbers” on the auspicious firecracker tails. Ceremony for cursing the title deed and Buddha-Devaphisek sacred objects, Wat Phai Khaek, lucky draw 16/6/67

June 6, 2024 at Uthumpararam Temple or Wat Phai Khaek Don Pho Thong Subdistrict, Mueang District, Suphanburi Province, thousands of people participated in the ceremony to pay homage to the gods and angels in the ceremony of cursing the title deed and Buddha-Dewa Phisek sacred objects. Mantra Phra Ka – Raja Payak model of Luang Pu Dusit, first edition

With comedian Jaray Chernyim and producers Mr. Nipat Smart Image and Pom Sakon Nakhon joining in lighting candles to pay homage to the gods and angels. along with the people who were successful in selling their land. Bring offerings to make a vow, including liquor, cigarettes, rice, and pig’s head, to offer as a vow.

For the Buddha Phisek ceremony, there was Luang Por Thuan, the abbot of Wat Phai Khaek. Light the auspicious candles of Luang Pu Thup of Wat Lat Nam Khao and Luang Pu Dusit along with monks and join in praying to consecrate sacred objects. Followed by the distribution of sacred objects. which is the first version make it desired The disciples came to receive the sacred objects that were distributed lively. Until having to draw lots to distribute sacred objects There are also firecrackers lighting to mark the auspicious time. Firecracker tail numbers appear: 38-495, taken to gamble.

Uncle Paen’s lottery, this draw is 16/06/67. There is a complete set of lucky numbers for you.

Uncle Paen’s

Here are the lucky numbers for this draw, June 16, 2024. Uncle Paen’s lottery gives away the complete set of lucky numbers for free. Lottery fans, don’t wait. Hurry and buy it to risk your luck. Get a chance to be rich on the upcoming lottery check day.

Lucky numbers, Uncle Paen lottery, this period 16/06/67

This lottery draw, 16 June 2024, should not be missed. Any lottery enthusiasts who are looking for lucky numbers to try their luck on lottery day. Let me tell you, you must hurry and come see. Because the numbers we’re bringing to you today come from Uncle Paen’s lottery, which has a complete set of numbers, both 2-digit lucky numbers and 3-digit lucky numbers, for everyone. Let’s go see if there will be any exciting numbers.

Lucky numbers for this draw, Uncle Paen Lottery, draw date 16 June 2024.

The 3 lucky numbers are 179.
The 2 lucky numbers are 97, 30.
The last 3 numbers are 906, 271.

Hia Nan’s lucky numbers, draw 16 6 67, share the last number with emphasis.

Hian Nan

Not long after the draw date, Hian Nan came back with lucky numbers for the 16 June 2024 draw, consisting of 2 sets of numbers, divided into 1 set of 2-digit numbers and 1 set of 3-digit numbers. Not sure if this draw will win a million baht. may be yours

For gamblers who are waiting for lucky numbers from Hia Nan. Let me tell you, you won’t be disappointed. This time, we’ve arranged 2 sets of numbers, focused on them. Lottery fans who still don’t have lucky numbers in mind, stop by and check out the Hia Nan lottery. It is a guideline for buying the numbers for the upcoming installments.

Guidelines for buying lottery tickets Period dated 16 June 2024

Last 2 digits: 58
Last 3 digits: 306