Hia Nan Lottery releases the first lottery, confident that the lucky numbers for this draw will be 16 5 67.

Hia Nan

Distributed to the first place, Hia Nan lottery guidelines, draw date 16 May 2024, one pill for sure! Predicted: Lottery fans are looking to buy lottery tickets quickly before they run out.

It’s time to find the right way again. But there are many famous lottery bureaus and godfathers. We can’t know which one will give us luck, but with Hua Nan lottery, there’s no need to sit and wait because the fan base is already very large. Ready to guarantee accuracy in almost every period.

For the upcoming installment on Thursday, May 16, 2024, Hia Nan will open the panel before anyone else. Releasing good things and cool things with a single prominent number guideline Pick the last 2 digits and 3 digits without having to play multiple tails. In this installment, the set of numbers is also very interesting. The three digit numbers are 966 or may be changed to 969 – 996 – 696. The last two digits are 95 – 59 – 65 – 56, depending on the consideration.

Lucky numbers, Hia Nan lottery, formula 16 Apr. ’24

Hia Nan

Coming quickly as usual, lucky numbers, Hia Nan lottery, draw 16 April 2024, releasing the last 2 digits and 3 digits straight, one set, focus on getting rich and becoming a millionaire. End of Songkran Day

Lucky numbers for this draw, 16 April 2024, Hia Nan lottery, 2 numbers, 3 numbers straight.

For guidelines after Songkran, April 16, 2024, Hea Nan has provided it in a single pill that will definitely take care of it. Lottery fans who still don’t know the draw in mid-April After returning from swimming in Songkran, what number should I buy? Let’s take a look at things here first.

Because many people say the same thing. “This draw the numbers are very beautiful.” Even though there are only 2 short sets, we are sure that they will definitely win the big prize because the three numbers he told us to play 079 or change it to 076 – 019 – 016 is up to us to consider. As for the two numbers, let’s be the numbers 12 – 21.

Lucky numbers, Hia Nan lottery, giving out formulas for calculating millions. For buying lottery tickets for this draw: 16 3 67

Hia Nan

The lottery draws on Saturday. How can you miss this one? Hia Nan Lottery, draw date 16 March 2024, gives away the secret formula to win millions. Lottery fans try to buy accordingly and may have luck winning big prizes this time.

Don’t have to say a lot. For a guide to lucky numbers that lottery fans can’t miss, with the lucky numbers of Hia Nan for the award announcement period on March 16, 2024, which falls on a Saturday in the middle of the month. In this period, the Hia Nan lottery comes in a special way. There is no guide sheet with prominent red numbers. But it’s distributed as a clip for calculating a million baht. I must say that Each number is very interesting.

Excellent formula, Hia Nan Lottery, get a chance to win big, big money this time, 16/3/67.

Lower prominent number: 2
Two numbers: 25