Pan Pan makes you rich, giving away lucky number tables on 16 April 2024.

Pan Pan Bring Ruay

Invite lottery fans to analyze the lucky numbers from the table along with Pan Pan Bring Ruay to find lottery guidelines for the 16 April 2024 lottery draw on Songkran Day. Prepare to invest millions in assets to celebrate the Thai New Year.

It’s getting close to the announcement of the Thai Government Lottery results. The draw for Tuesday, April 16, 2024. The lottery is drawn on Songkran Day like this. Anyone who is still looking for lucky numbers, don’t wait. Today, Goddess Pan Pan brings rich, regular people with a great formula for calculating table numbers and giving them to you again.

For this guideline, it is an analysis of outstanding formulas in tables. Ready to speculate to be the last 2 digits or 3 digits to be ready. As for the numbers in Pan Pan’s table for the Songkran lottery draw (April 16, 2024), are there any numbers that will appeal to gamblers? We can follow together below.

Lucky numbers Pan Pan makes you rich, draw 16 Apr. ’24

Outstanding number: 1
Table numbers: 0 – 1 – 8 – 9
Last two numbers: 10 – 19 – 80 – 89
Last three digits: 089 – 019