Last time, we received good fortune by dancing to make a vow to the “Naga Grandfather and Grandmother”. Don’t forget to light incense and ask for lucky numbers for this draw.

Naga Grandfather and Grandmother

Last period I got lucky. Come back and dance to make vows in front of “Statues of Grandfather Anantanakarat and Mae Ya Usa Devi Nakararat” don’t forget to light incense sticks to make a fortune. “Lucky numbers for this period”

The ceremony begins with offerings of fruit and offerings placed in front of the statue. Then the dancer will come and dance for Khun Bim. who received good fortune from grandparents So they came and danced to make vows as they had vowed.

He revealed that In the past, I often received good fortune from my grandparents. This time he made a vow that if he got the good fortune he had planned, he would come and dance to make up for his vow. and from lighting incense and gambling This time the numbers 088 and 324 were obtained and they will be used to gamble again. But this is a personal belief and faith in Grandfather Ananta Nagarat and Mother Ya Usa Devi Nagarat.