Mahadaksa numbers, lottery guidelines, 1 April ’24, auspicious table of Phra Sattha Shiva.

Mahadaksa Phra Sattha

Hurry and follow early the Mahadaksa Phra Sattha Shiva numbers for the draw on Monday, April 1, 2024, lottery guidelines for luck. Get a chance to win the big prize in the last 2 or 3 digits.

Who doesn’t know which lottery number to buy? Hurry and gather around the auspicious table of Mahataksa numbers before the Government Lottery Office prepares to announce the prizes on the afternoon of April 1, 2024 because this time lottery experts believe that Phra Sattha Shiva, the great deity from Brahmin-Hindu. Prepare to give lump sums of money to lucky people. Receive wealth and change your life. Whoever wants to be rich, don’t miss it. Hurry and pair up to analyze exciting numbers.

For Mahataksa lottery It is a guide to lucky numbers derived from ancient formula calculations. Through the most magical nine grid grid Revealing all important numbers, secondary numbers, sets of 2 and 3 numbers. If you pick good numbers, you have a chance to get rich before anyone else.

It was found that the outstanding numbers in the table are 9 columns of the Mahadaksa lottery from Phra Sathasiva this period. It appears as a total of 5 numbers, namely 3 – 7 – 8 – 1 – 6, which are taken into account as a set of 2 and 3 digit numbers as follows.

Last 2 numbers, leading 3 numbers: 33 – 37 – 38 – 31 – 36
Last 2 numbers, leading 7 numbers: 73 – 77 – 78 – 71 – 76
Last 2 numbers, leading 8 numbers: 83 – 87 – 88 – 81 – 86
Last 2 numbers, leading number 1 category: 13 – 17 – 18 – 11 – 16
Last 2 digits, leading 6 numbers: 63 – 67 – 68 – 61 – 66
Last 3 digits: 378 – 781 – 816 – 163 – 637