“Ma Si Mok” lottery brings wealth, draw 1 Dec. 2023.

Ma Si Mok

A new period has begun. For the Thai Government Lottery draw, December 1st, the godfather and godfather of online lottery. Gradually starting to release some lucky numbers. Meanwhile, lottery fans are searching for lucky numbers. To take a chance..

For this installment, “Admin” has brought the lucky numbers from Ma Si Mok lottery to present for lottery fans to consider. As for whoever likes it or not, let’s see. As for whoever likes it, just find a pen and write it down.

Ma Si Mok

Lucky numbers, Ma Si Mok lottery, lottery for this draw 1 Dec. ’23
Top 3 running numbers, prominent numbers 3 – 6
Two numbers 23 – 83 – 26 – 86

Lower running number 1, prominent numbers 1 – 7
Two numbers 13 – 19 – 73 – 79