Lottery neck parade to ask for luck “Kuman Ai Khai” doesn’t forget to look at “lucky numbers this time” for a chance to get rich 16/9/66

Lottery fans have strong faith and flock to ask for luck from “Kumar Ai Khai” of Wat Nong Thong. Don’t forget to look at “lucky numbers for this draw” to get a chance to be rich 16/9/66.

Tham Setthi, Wat Nong Thong, is very lively. There are villagers and gamblers. Traveling to pay homage and ask for blessings and make vows to Kumar Ai Khai continuously throughout the day.
And don’t miss lighting incense sticks with lucky numbers. and reaching for ping pong balls in a jar of gold The face of Kumar Ai Khai (North) to take to gamble