Dui Pharun releases guidelines for millionaire numbers, period 16 March 2024

Dui Pharan

It comes as quickly as rumored. Lucky numbers Dui Pharan gives out guidelines for buying the Thai government lottery for the 16 March 2024 draw. The first set will be released before the last three numbers. Lottery fans, take a look quickly before the results announcement day next Saturday.

This number is bought by a millionaire. Government lottery guidelines Dui Pharan 16/3/67
For this lottery draw, Dui Pharan would like to reveal the lucky numbers for the new draw with the last 3 straight numbers first in the first set. Which is definitely at the level of a famous lottery godfather. There must be fans looking forward to it for sure. There are 4 sets of interesting numbers, consisting of:


What can be clearly seen from this guide sheet from Professor Dui. The number highlighted in red is 873, which is expected to be a prominent item that should be heavily bought. But you have to be a little careful as some numbers may be similar. You may need to consider making some adjustments, such as 813 – 313 – 373 (number 7 is similar to number 1, number 8 is similar to number 3) and may also be cut and played as the last 2 numbers as follows.

87 – 83 – 33 – 81 – 13 – 41 – 45 – 47 – 57 – 85 – 35 – 82 – 32 – 46 – 49