Ped Chernyim, accurate lottery number 4, Boy Phisanu tells incredible story of origin Got a lot of benefits.

Boy Phisanu

Ped Chernyim lets the lottery come in directly, accurate in the 4th draw. Boy Phisanu tells the story of how he got the benefits.

The car slammed loudly for young actor Boy Phisanu, who won the last number 21 in the lottery after returning from making merit at the City Pillar in Si Satchanalai Park. Sukhothai Province Along with telling the origin of this lottery win.

In the clip, Boy Phisanu sits and talks with Koboy, a famous YouTuber. Along with telling me that I got it from Father Ped (Ped Chernyim). Father Ped gave it to me. It’s very accurate. He said it’s been 4 installments in a row, so I wanted to try it this time. It is considered very true. And it is a merit that we come to worship the Buddha as well.