Lottery “Uai La” has been released for the draw on 17 Jan.

Uai La

Write it down quickly, the “Euayla” lottery is released for gamblers, draw date 17 Jan. 2024, who is ready to buy lottery tickets in time?

On January 3, a new era began for 2024, with the first lottery draw in January. It has been postponed to January 17th because it falls on Teacher’s Day. And there are only 2 weeks left until the government lottery draw date, January 17. Today, “Daily News Online” has brought lucky numbers for you.

Especially the lucky numbers of Lottery numbers which has released lucky numbers to lottery fans very quickly If anyone has a pen I found a pen to write down. Ready, let’s see what lucky numbers are there for the January 17, 2024 draw.

On the run: 7
Important number: 71
Bottom run: 8
Last 2 numbers: 87 – 18 – 58
Last 3 digits: 571 – 871 – 971