‘Phaya Khan Khak’ lottery especially emphasizes this number. Head straight to the stall to buy before anyone else!

‘Phaya Khan Khak’

This draw, 16 Nov. 2023, focuses especially on the “Phaya Khan Khak” lottery, focusing on double numbers. Two beautiful sets of numbers in tow. Lottery fans, when you see this, don’t miss it. Hurry and buy quickly.

Even though the Government Lottery awards for the 1 Nov. 2023 draw have just recently been announced, number seekers are not waiting, wanting “lucky numbers – great numbers” already.

As for the lottery hints, “Phaya Kankhak” doesn’t let “lottery fans” wait long.

Lucky numbers have been released. Said that this installment should be given special emphasis. Let’s go see what numbers there are.
Double number: 77
2 numbers: 71-72-73-76