Check out the auspicious numbers for Chulalongkorn Day. Khamchanot lottery fans, don’t miss it. Get a chance to be rich in the draw 1/11/66.

Reporters report from Koh Khamchanod, Wang Nakin, today falls on the last day of a long holiday, which the past 3 days fell on a long holiday. There are tourists coming to Koh Kham Chanod. To pray and pray for good fortune every day Almost ten thousand people per day

As for today’s worship area, it is crowded with worship tables. To come and make some vows and make offerings to open up wealth and receive good fortune. Come to worship and open your wealth to receive good fortune and ask for good fortune from your father, grandfather, mother, grandmother. With Father Cham Chawakarn Khamwansa and Father Cham Chanot Kham Chanod. He was led in a ceremony to open up wealth and receive good fortune.

After the worship ceremony is finished, people who like numbers on important days can’t miss the opportunity to look at the bowl of holy water during the worship ceremony. The grandmother carried her granddaughter to look at the bowl of holy water. The grandchild told the grandmother that she saw the numbers 13-31 in case the granddaughter had good luck on the important day, Chulalongkorn Day, in the upcoming draw on November 1, 2023.