Giving away this draw, Novice Lottery, draw 16/10/66

Giving away this draw,

Providing the lucky numbers for this period 16/10/66, Novice Lottery, releasing both 2-digit numbers and 3-digit numbers. Lottery fans hurry to buy lottery tickets and then come and have a chance to check the lottery numbers and get lucky.

Anyone who was disappointed with the results of the last government lottery? Don’t be disappointed, let’s start again with the installment dated October 16, 2023. If you count time, there are only a few weeks left. We will have a chance to win prizes and check the lottery again.

For this draw’s lucky numbers, October 16, 2023, let’s try to see which numbers will be prominent in the Novice Lottery, which numbers are popular, and who will be lucky with whom. Let’s see together.

Novice lottery, lucky numbers for this draw, 16 Oct. ’23

Last 2 digits: 59 – 90 – 06
Last 3 digits: 459 – 590