Here are the lucky numbers for “Ah Pae Rongsi”. Look quickly and try your luck in the lottery draw 1/10/66.

Here are the lucky numbers for “Ah Pae Rongsi”.

Quick look at famous lucky numbers from “Ah Pae Rongsi”, a guide to buying government lottery tickets. Period dated 1 October 2023

Been away for a long time for giving guidance to “Ah Pae Rongsi” in the TikTok application, which has returned this time. We have organized guidelines for buying lottery tickets for lottery fans to see again.

By TikTok user, the account @loleczwwt4g has brought a picture of Uncle Pae Rongsi, which in the draw on October 1, 2023 has the numbers 294, 839, 39, 98 and 49.

Ready to have a perspective on life that A Pae Rongsi used to teach his children. Makes followers and those who see it continuously post thank yous.